Monday, December 5, 2011


I have been pretty absent lately. I apologize. I have been in tech week for my show which closed earlier today. Honestly it was one of the most stressful and time-consuming processes I have ever been a part of but one of the most rewarding. I have learned so much about myself as an actor through it. I might be able to do this as a living kids. I know I went to college for it, and I know I might have pretended that I knew what I was going to do with my life, but honestly who really knows that? This show showed me that I can do it. I had people telling me that it was the strongest ensemble and the best show they had ever seen on this campus. Guys... I cried on stage. This is not an easy thing for me. If you know anything about my mourning patterns, then you know my face usually ends up like this:

I am quite an angry person when I feel like the world has screwed me over... But I cried for this show. It was beautiful and I couldn't have done it without these wonderful buddies!

 So my roomie the wonderful Louise Hunter has been abroad all quarter and I cannot begin to explain to y'all how excited I am to have her back in my life! so I made sure our door was all decorated and pretty for when she comes back! I might be annoying and fill our room with balloons or something too! She is beautiful! Silly girl went to London... she is FROM London. Well I guess we all know that if she weren't weird then we wouldn't be roomies. She is a beautiful creature who only uses her accent when she is drunk and frequently reminds me that I am never home. She is the reason I have seen Jurassic Park and that I survive sorority social events. (Guess how many I have been to without her? ZERO!) So she is also a positive boost for my social life and girlyness! Oh I am SOOOOOO pumped!

GUYS! I experienced my first black friday. The picture below tells you all my feelings about it. 

I will be sure to be a more constant source of amusement in your lives now that I have mine back!

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