Yeah... really not so good at doing this every day. But then I look at Lauren and Erin who I have been blog stalking for weeks and never updated. Then Lauren FINALLY wrote something new and I go to check it out... It is promoting Rent the Runway! This is great, super cool internship she is going for but I want to know about her life. So I instead go and delete my current account for RTR and create a new one under her name so she gets credit. That is how I spent my thursday night. That is of course only after I couldn't sleep because I went to see the midnight premiere of Paranormal Activity 3. I have become quite a fan of this series. I have seen the prior two. However, they never fail to scare that dingleberry of poop out of me. So why I thought a midnight showing on a school night was wise, I will never know. I was wide-eyed waiting to be pulled out of bed by an invisible source. Which is when I realized that I am no longer scared of intruders. Wanna know why? Because I can kick an intruder where the sun don't shine or steal their gun and shoot them superhero style. You know what you can't do with supernatural forces? ANY of the above. You are stuck fighting something you can't see, or touch (but freakishly feel) and any attempt to save yourself is futile. So after I made Boyfriend stay up and play 500 rummy with me until he needed to go sleep, I read Lauren's blog. Paranormal Activity 3 gets an overall rating of 4 stars. EXTREMELY scary and EXTREMELY well executed but in the long run there is something about recommending something that gave me night terrors to anyone I know and care about.
OH! those photos with my nipples came back. Nothing with my nipples was actually used by my board to promote, unfortunately, and in fact none of the photos really had any of my nipples in them. But I did get this spicy baby to create a poster for my board.
Yes, my nipply nips are hiding in his back. |
So many awesome photos came out of this. Greg Uzelac, our photographer, is so very talented! BAH! I love everyone reading this for putting up with my rants! BOOP!
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