Each have been answered with a resounding yes.
Let us begin with my show. My director is artistically brilliant. He has these big, beautiful ideas that do not fit within a college budget. I hate telling him no. But tonight I finally had to. But we worked, we compromised and eventually we found a solution that both of us would be happy with!
DM is requiring filming at 9 am tomorrow morning. I am NOT a morning person. People die when in my path in the morning. The worse part is that tomorrow is expected to have a wind chill in the negatives be snowing almost all day. Filming will take place outside. This may have been a deal breaker if my co-emcee Ned had not been so incredible. He came up with an absolutely brilliant concept for the video and it makes me want to wake up and film this thing.
School is requiring much more outside work than I thought I signed up for. Yet, my acting project went off without a hitch, my teacher loved my monologue, my narrative class is opening me up to new ways to attack theatre, my painting class gives me four hours of mindless creativity and my poetry class is reminding me why I used to write in the first place.
Relationship. This is my first one in which I have stuck around long enough to experience the out-of-honeymoon phase. I have never had this. So, it was a huge shock for me when, after 7 months, we began to slip out of it. To someone who has never experienced this, I was scared and shocked and uncomfortable. I talked to boyfriend about it and he explained that he didn't love me any less, but rather he is now comfortable with how much he loves me. This was probably the greatest realization of my week. I don't have to be constantly holding his hand or cuddling up in his lap to be happy. The shock wasn't only because I was out of the honeymoon phase but because I was still happy. Plus... we still do crazy little things that remind me of the beginning. We didn't lose the spontaneity and love, we just have to choose moments to be spontaneous and go above and beyond to show love.
My week was big. Maybe the longest week I've had so far this school year. But it was a good one. I have the best of friends to get me through it and I am happy. Stressed? Yes, but happy.

i think this is your best post by far. I love you!!!!